Category: Finance Topic
What is a letter of credit?
Letter of Credit explainedWhat is a letter of credit? A Letter of Credit (LC) is a document issued by your bank that…
What is current portion of long term debt is and how to calculate it.
QuestionPosted by: Joan C. Oct 21 2002, 09:04 PM Hi: Nice site Can you tell me what curent portion of long…
Exporting 101 for Small Business – Loans with Export Insurance
Posted on October 19, 2012 by loanuniverseWhen a small business owner tries to get into exports, it encounters two serious…
The role of investors in the mortgage business
Making cheap money available to homebuyers If you have been following the interest rates for residential mortgages lately (This article…
Warehouse lending and Mortgage Banking
Definition of Warehouse lending and its role in the home owning experience. In the last couple of weeks, I have…
Getting out of a cosigned loan
getting out of a cosigned loanPosted by: christina atkins May 30 2003, 09:27 AM i have recently co signed a loan…
Business Valuation – Coin Laundry
BUSINESS VALUATION (9/2/02) Today, I am going to discuss business valuations. I think it is a very important topic, which…